Structured Weighing Forks

Built-in scooter is a weighing system installed on a forklift with a monitor inside the cab. The built-in scooter becomes a permanent part of the forklift and turns the forklift into a portable weight.


Motorbike™ (registered with the Registrar of Patents) is a weighing device for forklifts which turns each forklift into a set of portable scales.

Built-in Scooter™ is a forklift-mounted engine with a monitor inside the cab. The Built-in Scooter™ becomes a permanent part of the forklift and works on the forklift battery. It’s designed for places with heavy-duty work. The weighing head is in a protected place (inside the cab) and close to the driver so that it’s as comfortable as possible to take readings.

System parts images

Weight indicator in the cab

The forks in action


Prevent overloading trucks.
Inspect incoming and outgoing goods.
Make savings while weighing.
Reduce the number of accidents (fewer trips back).
Improved inventory management.

How It Works

1. Shkila provides you with a forklift fork.
2. The fork is equipped with a built-in weighing device and is actually the scales.
3. A technician comes from a weighing company to install the fork..
4. After installation, the scales receive electricity from the forklift battery.
5. The weighing monitor is installed inside the driver’s compartment at a location designed for maximum working comfort.
6. The display is a large LED display that allows reading even in the dark.
7. You can transfer the fork scales from forklift to forklift at any time by dismantling and reinstalling them.
8. The fork is equipped with a 300% protection factor to combat overload.

There’s also a model of “independent scooter” where the monitor is inside the tooth itself and can be transferred between forklifts without any installation!


Weighing capacity of 2,500 kg.
Optional upgrade to capacity of 5,000 kg.
Available in a range of sizes.
Accuracy of 0.1%.
Wireless transmission option.
Includes a convenient monitor inside the cab.
Works from the forklift truck itself – without loading.
The reader can be connected to a barcode, a printer, and a library.

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